Supporting our position as the leader of the stamping plant in Wielkopolska, we improve metalworking processes with the help of the Integrated Management System compliant with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 9001:2015; PN-EN ISO 14001:2015 and PN-N-18001:2004 in order to achieve the objectives:

  • to maintain effective cooperation with new and existing customers;
  • improvement of selected processes identified in the company;
  • work automation;
  • reinforcement of employees’ qualifications;
  • raising the crew’s awareness of health and safety, fire and environmental protection;
  • prevention of environmental pollution, accidents at work, occupational diseases
    and potentially accidental and continuous events
  • improving the environmental protection system and occupational health and safety.

    The achievement of the objectives will be carried out with the support of funds from the European Union.

    The Integrated Management System Policy was established by the Company’s Management Board and all employees were informed about its assumptions and objectives.

The Management Board of the Company and the crew undertake to comply with the legal regulations concerning the business activity, health and safety, fire and environmental protection, and to provide the necessary resources to achieve the assumed objectives and the Integrated Management System Policy.

certificates and declarations